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ben.long at pipemedia.co.uk

The Insane Limits

HELLO! I am completely insane and should be locked up in a rubber room with no way of getting sharp objects. Not because I will slit my throat, but because I will stab anyone I can, because I am completely Nuts! Mad! Insane! Wacko! Bonkers! And down right loopy! But instead they made me write everything down. So here it goes: "MUST KILL! NONE MUST LIVE! EAT ALL THE BRAINS IN THE WORLD! HAHAHAHAR! GARGLE GAGA HUNKLEY BUNKLY DE DON BOUGAL!"
Ok, now I'm fine. But only if no-one plays any musical yo-yos.
No, I'm fine. Honest! (NOT!)
I'm the Insane Master, so Welcome to The Insane Limits! I am Nuts! Bonkers! Oh! OH, I already covered that. Well, in my area you will be entering the future where humans are ripped apart by anything from a giant alien killing machine to small insects. If you are expecting a man who says, "I'm a banana", and is loopy as in, "hey! Have you seen my camel?" Then go to Noddy Four-Fingers' area! This area is full of blood, gore, death and destruction! Space battles, men going mad and killing anything (like me!), and in this issue the story is called The SS Hammerhead. You want to know all about it hmm? Well tough! READ IT! YOU LAZY GITS! OK? This may not mean you! If you don't pick up books and read the bit on the back that tells you the whole story! If it is you and you are offended, well go home and cry to mommy! The story will be too violent for you anyway! Ok? OK?! WELL SAY SOMTHING THEN! Good! Well if you are not wetting your mothers brand new dress (you are not being accused of transexualism, I mean you are crying into her dress!), and having nightmares about your teddies trying to kill you, then welcome! And be ready for: THE INSANE LIMITS!!!!

-The Insane Master.

This issue I have been mostly...

Playing: Broken Sword 2
Watching: Robot Wars
Hearing: Best Hits 97
Reading: Aliens: Nightmare Asylum
Wanting: World domination by me!
Annoyed by: MUSICAL YO YO!!!!!

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